It's a big fat mess everywhere around me.
In my timing,
my studying,
my eating,
my working & money.
My language is still English (?!?). My dreams will be hopefully in slovene. Yawn.
My priorities are weird,
my soul empty,
my hearth is lost somewhere in my body.
My minds are everywhere, but just for a second and a half, and just with unimportatn things.
My feets are sore,
so is my back and oh wait,
my head hurts.
Computer will turn off, phones battery is low too. Anything else??
Too much of everything... But tomorrow will be another day. Good night.
Se priporočam za korigiranje slovničnih napak. Jutri.
Kako pa da v angleščini? :)In je zdej dons kej bolš?
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, je bolš, hvala Bogu! :) In čez vikend bo sploh extra! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAngleščina pa zato, ker sem skor cel dan babysittala in tam se pač uporablja angleščina. ;) Neža, a ni nobenih napak??? Sej veš, to pr angleščini nikako ni men podobn...