30 marec, 2014

From this moment on

Rada kopiram dobre stvari in ideje. Tudi drugim vedno rečem, naj le ponavljajo za mano, ampak samo dobre in koristne reči. Ena od ukradenih idej je tudi tale pesem... :) Danes sem jo poslušala vsaj dvajsetkrat in mislim, da se je ne bom kmalu naveličala.
Ja. Bo na poroki. Četudi jo bom do takrat poslušala še n-krat, dvomim, da bo šla pesem mimo mene brez solzic. (pa menda niti ne bom edina) Besedilo, uf... Tapravo, močno in globoko. Nuff' said.

Today you're giving your all.
You've never trusted like this before.
You heard Him knocking at your heart's door, 
He whispered your name and you answered the call.

Now tears of joy fall like rain.
They seem to wash away every fear.
You feel God's presence so very near.
Somehow you know that you're not the same.

And a brand new life is waiting for you starting here, starting now.

From this moment on, from here to forever.
He will carry you safe in side His love.
He has promised you He'll never forsake you,
you'll never be alone from this moment on, from this moment on.

Tomorrow questions may come.
Those same old questions, those same old doubts.
Don't let uncetainty pull you down.
Christ will complete what He has begun.

And a brand new life is waiting for you starting here, starting now.

From this moment on, from here to forever.
He will carry you safe in side His love.
He has promised you He'll never forsake you,
you'll never be alone from this moment on, from this moment on.

From this moment on, from here to forever.
He will be your strenght when life's troubles come.
He will be your joy in times of sorrow.
You'll never be alone from this moment on.

This world may pass away,
but that won't separate you from His love.

From this moment on, from here to forever.
He will carry you safe in side His love.
He has promised you He'll never forsake you,
you'll never be alone from this moment on, from this moment on.

Young Continentals - From this moment on                             

 Poslušate pa lahko tukajle. :)  A ni doooobra, no? In primerna za vse priložnosti! Še 41 dni, pa bo tale brand new life, waiting for me direkt pred mano.

2 komentarja:

  1. Lepa pesem :) Me spominja na pesem od Shanie Twain z identičnim naslovom. Skoraj ista vsebina. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Lp2uC_1lg

    1. Poznam tudi to, ja! Mi je tudi všeč, samo ima ta zame boljše besedilo. ;)
